• irresponsible parents    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 十分山水育樂有限公司

      十分山水育樂有限公司主要經營「十分山水遊樂園」,十分山水遊樂園位於台北縣平溪鄉南山村,在平溪支線鐵路大華站何時分站之間。距眼鏡洞瀑布下游只有二百公尺。有意願者請洽----潘小姐 0922777303

      電話:02-24958531    地址:新北市平溪區南山村乾坑11號
    2. 舊金山美語

      We are a group of bilingual teachers and parents from California. Our passion and focus is to raise our children to become TRULY BILINGUAL. The ONLY way to achieve that is for them to grow up in a bilingual environment; hence, we employ the immersion method in our school. Our dream is to recreate...

      電話:02-22424648    地址:新北市中和區景安路220巷22號1樓
    3. 妙的多

      一、 舉辦—講座、座談會、媽媽教室、兒童營與親子活動,提供單親家庭課後輔導、社區潛能班、婚姻諮詢、增進嬰幼兒兒童人文關懷、及學習如何與同儕互相合作,父母親也在這種情境中,了解孩子的潛在能力,藉由這樣的...

      電話:02-27423992    地址:台北市松山區南京東路五段251巷46弄7號1樓
    4. 理得國際企業有限公司


      電話:04-24526789    地址:台中市西屯區河南路二段262號10樓1002室
    5. ACLOR,INC

      ...ina based manufacturing facilities and over 3,000 dedicated associates The parent company was founded over thirty years ago in Taiwan. The APEGO Company is considered to be one of the premier manufacturers of sewn, heat-sealed, PVC, nylon and polyester school and home office products. APEGO also man...

      電話:06-2995233    地址:ACLOR,INC.1750 Spectrum Drive Lawrenceville,GA. 30043

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